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Daddy's Home Review

Daddy's Home is a 2015 comedy starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg as two dads. Ferrell as the nice and polite stepdad trying to move into his children's lives and Wahlberg as their cool, badass biological father.

I went into this movie expecting to hate it. No one really seemed to like it. No one even saw this movie except for people who couldn't get into Star Wars. I had some hope seeing as I love Ferrell, Wahlberg and the comedy they made together in 2010 called 'The Other Guys'. This movie didn't suck, believe it or not. It was actually pretty funny.

Both leads were great and this made me establish a love for Linda Cardellini. Thomas Hayden Church does a good job as the sleazy boss of Will Ferrell's character Brad but by far the best part of the movie is any scene with Hannibal Buress. He is and always will be hilarious. This movie is filled with cameos including Bill Burr, one of the best stand-up comedians of our time. There is another really weird cameo at the end that did make me laugh. I won't spoil it here but you definitely know this person.

Let's talk about the jokes, as they are the main focus of a comedy.

Most of the humor was great. Some jokes fell flat or were shown in the trailer, but even the trailer jokes were still really funny because you see how it fits into the story. The basketball scene in the trailer I thought was going to be stupid but was actually one of the best scenes in the movie. There are one too many jokes about Will's testicles though... If you like the humor style of other Will Ferrell movies, you will probably like this movie.

The worst part in the movie is the product placement. Surprisingly there is a LOT of it in this film. The worst, most obvious and most obnoxious is the GoPro ad. You'll think it's like that joke in Wayne's World when you see it. Same with the Chevy ad. There are also ones for X Games, NBA, Red Bull, various beers and more. It gets pretty ridiculous occasionally.

All the actors do a good job including the kids. Usually they're the worst part of movies like this but this time they were innocently adorable which I could see bothering some people but I found it perfect fot the time of family aspect they were going for.

In the end, Daddy's Home was a good comedy that exceeded my expectations. I'm glad to say that 2016 is off to a strong start! This also teaches us that you should never judge a book by its cover.

SCORE: 7.7/10

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