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Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review (No Spoilers)

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is my most anticipated movie of 2015 because of my life long love for Star Wars. The advertising for this film was brilliant because they don't even tell you the plot. They just give you elements. Since this is the SPOILER FREE review, I won't give anything away. So pretty much Poe Dameron (Oscar Issac), Fynn (John Boyega), and Rey (Daisy Ridley) are trying to stop baddie Kylo Ren and the evil First Order. From the very beginning, when you see the amazing opening crawl fly across the screen and hearing the blasting of John Williams' iconic score, I was so happy I was tearing up. This movie had the best emotions from me. I was always either happy or amazed or crying or laughing. It was such an emotional experience. So, does it deserve the 95% approval rating it has on Rotten Tomatoes? Absolutely. This is the best Star Wars movie since The Empire Strikes Back which is my second favorite movie of all time. This is definitely the best of the year. The new cast of characters is great. The new villain is great. The First Order is great. All the throwbacks and references were amazing, as were the returning characters. No one phoned in their performance. Everyone was having a blast. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, Harrison Ford seemed like he was having a blast. Poe Dameron and Fynn have better chemistry than any characters in any of the prequels do, which they establish in mere minutes. The action scenes were fantastic and not over choreographed like the prequels are. I'm sorry I keep bringing up the prequels, but those parallels must be made. If you bought toys from this movie and you know you did because this is the biggest advertising cainpaign since Minions, you will most likely be satisfied with your purchase because all of the characters were amazing, except for Captain Phasma who does less than nothing. Sorry Chris Stuckmann. There are two other characters that people aren't too happy with. The first is Supreme Leader Snoke portrayed by Andy Serkis. Everyone is saying he looks like Grendel from the 2007 Beowulf. I don't think he looked that bad. I do, however think Mass Kenada looked pretty bad. She seemed like a character that belonged in the prequels. Or maybe it's because I've read some expanded universe novels with her in it and I was disappointed she didn't look how I thought she would. A nice surprise in this movie is that it is hilarious. There is so much great humor in this. There is a moment in the opening scene where everything is very serious and Poe cracks a joke and it doesn't really land. But most of the time, it is hilarious. The last thing I want to touch on is what people don't like that I do. Not everything's wrapped up in a little bow at the end which is what mainstream people seem to want. They don't want a sense of mystery or a quietly spoken cliffhanger ending. They want everything to be spoon-fed to them and that can't happen anymore. People need to learn. Anyways, this is the best movie of the year and the best movie I have seen in quite a long time. I highly recommend you go see it. I know you will anyways. I'm sorry I haven't been reviewing things lately but I've been caught up in creating other things. I saw Krampus and gave it a 8.4, just so you have closure in that. ;) SCORE: 9.9/10

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